Saturday, May 22, 2010

DEG vow: Next year we get the pot

Düsseldorf - The first beer hissed the sad DEG hero just after the off in the cabin in Rather ISS Dome. Then it went to great frustration from drinking in the old town.
The entire troupe is called. Only the mood was of course down, but afterwards we went, "says Daniel Kreutzer.
With plenty of vodka Redbull swore to the Vice-Master: "Next year we pick up the pot!" The challenge of the final loser. Manager Lance Nethery, "We have a very young company, which will remain much the same way together. The future is ours. Who wants to be champion, at Berlin has gone. We will try it. "
With all his might to the Metro Stars start the next track attack. Attacker Patrick Reimer announced the fans still on the ice dome, "We want you to give fans the championship. For this we will do everything we reinhängen full. "
The Düsseldorf present themselves as sworn pile prices, not dazzling, not only on the ice and in the locker room - even at the bar fits it perfectly.
Captain Kreutzer, now next season after 13 years of professional 14 Start-up must take, to grab his first championship, "We were in Louisiana, are the Bolkerstraße up and down. We understand each other very well. I have never played in a team with so much team spirit. "
What proved Daniel and Co. in the Night of the runner. "No idea when I came home. There was, however, somewhat dark, "said Kreutzer, who would almost have the Berlin champions met the celebrated also in Düsseldorf, with a broad grin.
This was the striker was still the same broader than noon rang his mobile phone. "As national coach Uwe Krupp was in it. He has informed me that I'm going with the World Cup, "exults the 29-year-old. "Furthermore, I was very pleased. Tuesday we go, we'll meet in Bern. "
Daniel's roller coaster ride - drinking only frustration, then solved the World Cup ticket. So fast it can go sometimes ...