Thursday, April 1, 2010

Schalke Fan auctioned Poldis EM Trousers

Recklinghausen - For days was Stefan Becker (37) the happiest fan in the world. No wonder. Schalke's spectacular began after the European Championship quarter-final victory against Portugal (3:2) the pants of Prince Poldi. Becker now has auctioned his trophy on the Internet - for Euro 3650 went off his pants.
The success of the auction could hardly be greater. Event Manager Becker is compared EXPRESS extremely enthusiastic: "Fantastic. I would be 500 euros have been satisfied. Unbelievable. "
Cheers broke out among the "Internet-bear". Look at the club (the situation of children and disabled ambulance) is the proceeds of the auction. Oliver Berger of the "Bears": "We are incredibly grateful to Stefan Becker."
But he remains modest: "Through my work, I really am always jerseys with signatures and such souvenirs. Although the Poldi-Pants something special. Clear. Nevertheless, a few hours and a few beers after the game was clear that I do understand eigere for a good cause. "Of course, unwashed.
It was pure coincidence that Becker's Adidas pants with the number 20 ever caught. With friends, he was in the twelfth series of relatively far back in the block. "Luckily it was raining quite heavily, the pants were soaking wet, had flown so beautifully well." And then, Becker ran out his paws - with the experience of nearly 600 amateur games as a goalkeeper.