Sunday, April 25, 2010

Investigations against doping doctor Fuentes set

Madrid - relief for doping doctor Eufemio Fuentes. The investigations against him were dismissed. The "Operacion Puerto" is without legal consequences.
As Antonio Serrano told investigators, had shown the existing evidence is insufficient grounds for further judicial activities or an indictment against the physician for endangering public health.
The Spanish police had seized from the so-called "Operacion Puerto" in the wake of doping in 2006, more than 200 blood bags at Fuentes and another doctor, Merino Batres.
At least 50 cyclists, including the now retired Jan Ullrich, the Ansbacher Jörg Jaksche and former Giro winner Ivan Basso (Italy) were mentioned in the documents. While Basso and Jaksche had confessed, Ullrich denies all allegations further. And that, although found blood bags could be clearly attributed to him.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Glock and Trulli sitting Button neck

Sepang - strapped in and hold on Sunday we can enter the hottest race of the year!
Also in the sauna Grand Prix of Malaysia (11 clock, RTL and Premiere is live) Briton Jenson Button (29) in the super brain BrawnGP Mercedes car from the pole position-winning favorite. But behind it is concentrated German Power!
Starting with Timo Glock (27). The choice of Cologne starts right behind Button and diagonally next to his colleagues Jarno Trulli Toyota (34) from third place. Thanks to the penalties for Red Bull's young star Sebastian Vettel (21, square 13) and Rubens Barrichello (36) in the second BrawnGP.
The TF109 is as in Melbourne super-fast. Also thanks to the double diffuser alongside Button and Nico Rosberg (23, place 4) inspired in the Williams-Toyota. But first Button opponents are Trulli and Glock. Rast, the Cologne rocket today at last (124th in the race) for the first victory?
When it comes to Glock, yes. He announces a bang start: "We must try to take the Jenson in the first corner in a pincer movement. Then a consistent car is important and it remains the question of what makes the weather. Then we will see where we go at the end. "
Prefer to place 1 p.m. to 2 a.m. - only who gets the prestigious Toyota's first victory? Trulli was indeed much faster, but Glock has a bit more petrol in the tank. And the "Fight Dachshund" is on the clean side of the runway from where he can grab Trulli same. Would be important later, the Italians a very hard nut to crack.
Button feels even Glocks breath on his neck. "This will be a hot race," says the new darling of the British. Lies champion Lewis Hamilton (24) is on the island below by - and on the track slowly (12.). Button the first time, however, took two pole positions in a row and says: "I am ready." For the title?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How stupid can be the death of

Is it stupid to die? They can. Has the U.S. biologist Wendy Northcutt figured out for themselves - and awards since 1994, the rather unflattering "Darwin Award, a prize for people who accidentally kill themselves, and even stupid.
Natural selection in the spirit of the famous evolutionary theorist - which saw 2009 from this:
• winners were two Belgian bank robber. In Dinant they blew up at an ATM. Hardy only that they miscalculated the amount of dynamite - and with pulverized.
• Second place went to Shawn Motero (30). The Florida was stuck in a traffic jam. When he had emptied his bladder, he jumped from his car just across a low wall. Not so clever: He stood on a bridge and fell 20 meters to his death.
• macabre Rosanne Tippett honored with 3rd place The juckelte with her scooter into a flooded river. Although she was rescued. But then she jumped into the water to retrieve the scooter - and drowned.
• Mieczyskaw Mil (64), the man with the deadly chainsaw. He wanted to repair the 4800-volt power line to his house. For that he drew extra plastic bags over his shoes, stood in a puddle when he ansägte the line. Availed nothing: dead
• Or the British: The 41-year-old from York, wanted to reduce his garden shed. The first tore the walls of this book. Then he remembered the concrete slab on his head.
• And Devan Leann (30). The friend wanted to show her how great they can paddle with a mattress on the roaring Lake Ehrling. Problem: There was a foam mattress. Her body appeared only a day later.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

All 15 minutes rattling of Use

Dusseldorf - Police on Tuesday asked President Herbert Schenkelberg and Dusseldorf obers ter traffic cop Martin Vonstein the traffic report for the year, 2008.
It contains from the perspective of the police a few bright spots, but also some worrying developments.
Next to the bright spots: The number of injured and killed in traffic as low as never before since records began in 1955th
2922 people crashed 2008 in the market, including 374 so badly that they came to the hospital had to second lowest (number after 2006), eleven people were killed.
The ten worst streets of Düsseldorf, click here>
"An encouraging development," says Vonstein. Even with accidents with children and seniors, the numbers are declining.
On the other hand there is a sharp increase in accidents involving trams and in the unfortunate pedestrians aged between 15 and 65.
When the trams, the number of accidents rose by nearly 70 percent, 2 pedestrian died (including a 14-year-old high school student) on the way to school, 21 people were seriously injured. "The problem: We do not know why. There is no discernible pattern, "puzzled Vonstein. We will sit down with the Rheinbahn.
Controls were 2008, far more than before. Record holder for the racers was a man in an Audi R8. He traveled with 181 km / h through the Rheinufertunnel. "Promille King": A cyclist (43) in Garath - 3.64.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Schalke Fan auctioned Poldis EM Trousers

Recklinghausen - For days was Stefan Becker (37) the happiest fan in the world. No wonder. Schalke's spectacular began after the European Championship quarter-final victory against Portugal (3:2) the pants of Prince Poldi. Becker now has auctioned his trophy on the Internet - for Euro 3650 went off his pants.
The success of the auction could hardly be greater. Event Manager Becker is compared EXPRESS extremely enthusiastic: "Fantastic. I would be 500 euros have been satisfied. Unbelievable. "
Cheers broke out among the "Internet-bear". Look at the club (the situation of children and disabled ambulance) is the proceeds of the auction. Oliver Berger of the "Bears": "We are incredibly grateful to Stefan Becker."
But he remains modest: "Through my work, I really am always jerseys with signatures and such souvenirs. Although the Poldi-Pants something special. Clear. Nevertheless, a few hours and a few beers after the game was clear that I do understand eigere for a good cause. "Of course, unwashed.
It was pure coincidence that Becker's Adidas pants with the number 20 ever caught. With friends, he was in the twelfth series of relatively far back in the block. "Luckily it was raining quite heavily, the pants were soaking wet, had flown so beautifully well." And then, Becker ran out his paws - with the experience of nearly 600 amateur games as a goalkeeper.