Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kantor shoots like Lucky Luke ...

Dusseldorf - A short wheeling movement, a powerful shot and just a few seconds later, it beats Kassel in behind goalie Boris Rousson. The bullet had been fired Robert Kantor.
"It was high time that I achieve my first goal for the DEG. I had tried it often enough in the first three games, "said the defender easier after its premiere.
According to the results surprised even Manager Lance Nethery in the stands: "Robert has a real hammer. The yes shoot faster than Lucky Luke. "And the Western hero with his Colt ballert know faster than his own shadow.
But the Czech, who moved from the Swedish Elite League from Farjestads to the Rhine, has not only-fest, but can also clean up the defense strong.
"I'm not too good on the defensive. This is my first task. If it still works the front, the better, "says the 30-year-old, who last year was not found shelter for a master Mannheim-month trial.
Therefore, taking the second attempt cantor in the DEL, with DEG will celebrate his first career title. "I had several offers, but from Dusseldorf was from a sporting perspective the most lucrative."
In recent years, Kantor shuttled across Europe, playing in the Czech Republic, Russia, Finland and Sweden. In Defense of the Cabinet thinks back to the time especially in the former USSR with terror.
"The payment was indeed properly. But the food was bad, we spent the whole day at the ice rink and was controlled by the coaches, "says the national team 30 times. "In some places, our training of soldiers with machine guns guarded. That was not my world. "She has" Lucky "Kantor now found in the DEG.