Friday, March 26, 2010

Heynckes new Leverkusen coach!

Leverkusen - The summer break is no summer break. The league is so turbulent as to be almost in the middle of the season. Bayer Leverkusen now provides for the next hammer! Jupp Heynckes will be the new coach. 64 years old, a real coach Dino for the young troops.
His predecessor, Bruno Labbadia is moving to Hamburger SV. Heynckes has agreed with a handshake on a contract until 2011. Misleading. A few weeks ago he was still totally out of business, was regarded by his appearances at Schalke (2004) and Moenchengladbach) as an elderly obsolete. Until the Bavarians him again and dug Heynckes the Munich in the last five games still resulted in the Champions League. As he has tasted blood, no more talk of retirement is. Heynckes: "I was very pleased with the interest of Bayer 04. During my brief guest appearance in Munich I have noticed that it still burns in me. I know most players well and the challenge to trace this young and very talented team back into the international business, irritates me greatly. "
All information about the change of Bruna Labbadia for HSV - click HERE>
Bayer CEO Wolfgang wooden houses is convinced "that just will benefit our young team from his experience and his natural authority." It also believes captain Simon Rolfes: "Well, now that there is clarity. Heynckes can help us. "
Mr Michal Kadlec was stunned by name Heynckes: "That's a thing! But he has won many titles with great teams and is obviously still really hot. "
Bayer had taken only the day before the contact with Heynckes after Labbadia had announced his wish to cancel this contract. "After this decision was Heynckes as our first choice, especially since we had already dealt in previous years, again and again with this issue. We are very happy that this successful and internationally renowned trainer has spontaneously decided for our offer, "said wooden houses.
Heynckes Bayer's new coach - what do you think? Just in discussions in the articles forum!
Also of interest
Jupp's achievements

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kantor shoots like Lucky Luke ...

Dusseldorf - A short wheeling movement, a powerful shot and just a few seconds later, it beats Kassel in behind goalie Boris Rousson. The bullet had been fired Robert Kantor.
"It was high time that I achieve my first goal for the DEG. I had tried it often enough in the first three games, "said the defender easier after its premiere.
According to the results surprised even Manager Lance Nethery in the stands: "Robert has a real hammer. The yes shoot faster than Lucky Luke. "And the Western hero with his Colt ballert know faster than his own shadow.
But the Czech, who moved from the Swedish Elite League from Farjestads to the Rhine, has not only-fest, but can also clean up the defense strong.
"I'm not too good on the defensive. This is my first task. If it still works the front, the better, "says the 30-year-old, who last year was not found shelter for a master Mannheim-month trial.
Therefore, taking the second attempt cantor in the DEL, with DEG will celebrate his first career title. "I had several offers, but from Dusseldorf was from a sporting perspective the most lucrative."
In recent years, Kantor shuttled across Europe, playing in the Czech Republic, Russia, Finland and Sweden. In Defense of the Cabinet thinks back to the time especially in the former USSR with terror.
"The payment was indeed properly. But the food was bad, we spent the whole day at the ice rink and was controlled by the coaches, "says the national team 30 times. "In some places, our training of soldiers with machine guns guarded. That was not my world. "She has" Lucky "Kantor now found in the DEG.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heynckes: "Had a wonderful relationship"

Leverkusen --
Course will also Jupp Heynckes open on Sunday for the funeral of Robert Enke to Hanover.
"For all of us is something unbelievable happened. Robert prove that their last respects to be, but the least we can do, "says Bayer Leverkusen's coach Jupp Heynckes.
Heynckes and Enke - they joined more than a coach-player relationship. "We have gone a bit together. We had a wonderful relationship even then, "recalls the 64-year-old, who Enke 1999, Benfica won.
"Robert was soon in Lisbon crowd favorite. He came with his friendly manner, his good character, a call. What have credited him up the people, is the fact that he has learned very quickly the Portuguese language. "
Even then, Robert was with Teresa. And most of this strong woman has Heynckes utmost respect: "Their public appearance by now, was admirable. As she tries to cope with the situation in any way, impressed me. "
Heynckes is also impressed by the "huge, reverent sympathy. This moves you. I have now seen a lot and read. I also think it is important that you speak openly about depression, they discussed and no more a taboo. Depression is simply a terrible disease. "

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Apple responds: "Mein Kampf"-app deleted

The "Mein Kampf" application with swastika icon for the iPhone by Apple on Friday reported EXPRESS.DE via the App Store scandal - with consequences:
Hetz Hitler's book in Spanish has now been deleted from the offer.
Apple spokesman Georg Albrecht: "We have them out at the weekend and put the app from the store."
And how could it happen that the application was ever sold (at least for 1.59 euros)? After all is said, Apple would be considered before publication of the utilities increasingly intense. Apple is silent. "Such details, we give no information," keeps Albrecht covered.
Let us hope that the company more in the future the content in the online shop takes a closer look at ...
This is the App Store
The App Store (from the English. Short for Application) is a software company Apple, iPhone, the standard features of the products Apple and iPod touch belongs. With the App Store applications and games from the iTunes Store can be downloaded, which were released by Apple.
The programs are offered almost exclusively by third parties and independent programmers. The price can be determined freely by the developers, but this must cede 30 percent of the revenue to Apple Inc..
Source: Wikipedia
Also of interest
Unbelievable! "Mein Kampf" for your iPhone

Monday, March 1, 2010

Fortuna Fans rush the booth one

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Dusseldorf - The boom never ends! Fortuna may look forward to the coming windfall, the fans run the club that one booth.
Since the weekend is as good as clear: After climbing up game against Werder II, the arena will be sold out well in the Cup against HSV-Hit!
Until the weekend it was just time card holders and members only to secure tickets. Ever since the season opener on Saturday, there are the maps of Fortune's first DFB Cup appearance in five years on open sale.
And just exploded on the first weekend, until last night had gone over 30,000 seats. Translated: The Classic against the Hanseatic League could be sold out even faster than the rise of the game, perhaps on Tuesday, and possibly even as early as Monday. And despite the live broadcast on free TV!
Dusseldorf longs for such a long abstinence, again higher category, Fortuna football - and the main characters are excited about the overwhelming response. "When I hear that, again, I get goose bumps," says Stephen Hoover winner. "With the Cup anyway, I have good experiences. I was already in the quarterfinals twice and had rausgehauen Hoffenheim times with Leverkusen. "
Newcomer Oliver Fink, who knows the feeling of a bulging Arena not yet: "No, wie geil. Is that really true? That surprises me. We had actually thought that because of the Monday deadline and the TV Üvertragunng not explode. But the more beautiful for us. We know that we can do with a good performance and best advertisement for the home game against Paderborn. "Even for this game went the way already 10,000 tickets across the table.
Christian Weber, promises that the enthusiasm of the supporters will be worth: "There is no competition, in which one with so few games can achieve so much. We will get everything from us and are desperate to move into the next round. "
Fortuna is booming! Meanwhile, more than 6,000 season tickets are gone, the record from Bundesliga era is about to double. With so much football fever, it is time that it finally starts.