Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Truck driver convicted

Bonn - But that was quite nice to have backfired. Truck-driver Rudi R. put a policeman to 25 €, so elegant to escape a parking ticket.
Rather than fork out 110 € Verwarnungsgeld must Bonner now € 9000 - the district court sentenced the 51-year-olds for bribery to a fine.
Shortly before nine clock, in March 2008: truck driver Rudi R. jerky with his 7.5-ton truck on the road Silesia.
On the bridge of the A555 was first concluded. Michael S. (48), motorcycle patrol the white mice, asked for general traffic.
The policeman was find. The truck driver had not secured its cargo, waste equipment, tool boxes and a wheelbarrow stood around loose on the surface. Where a parking ticket € 50 and three points in Flensburg.
Not all: now wanted to see the sergeant and the gauges. An inspection revealed: seven points with 100. Power again € 60 fine.
Rudi R. wanted to settle the matter differently. In a document he put € 25, they gave the police officers. His comment: "They forget everything, they are only human."
The policeman brusquely rejected the offer back, but the truck driver tried again a money transfer. And finally wanted to know the private address. "I bring electrical items free home."
The policeman surprised: "I do not yet accommodated in 30 years. A hit. As with the Mafia. "

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

18 bombs in the stadium of VfB Stuttgart discovered

Stuttgart - With the change of the Stadium of football BundesligistVfB Stuttgart are currently 18 bombs from the Second World War, meanwhile playing field has been found.
The explosive ordnance disposal service habedie bombs, which were to a large extent already burned out, geborgenund disposed of.
For visitors to Mercedes-Benz-Arena and the Mannschaftenhabe danger never existed. The arena is currently being converted into a reinesFußballstadion, this is the lawn lowered.
It seimöglich that more bombs will be found. By detecting seienExperten a private company involved.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No kidding - Horst Schlämmer attacks Sparkasse

Duisburg -
That was anything but a joke:
Early in the morning a bank robber has assaulted the Horst-Schlämmer outfit a savings bank in Duisburg-Rheinhausen.
The perpetrator had entered at 8 clock behind an employee through a side door into the bank. In the switch room, he tied for three employees in the switch room before he went with the store manager and another employee into the vault.
After he had received a large amount of cash here, chained and gagged, he even these two, she locked in a safe and fled.
Learn More
Porsche thief-in-Mickie Krause outfit
An employee was able to finally free from his bonds, and alert the police. The investigation was launched immediately but with no success.
The police are now looking for witnesses, in the period from 07:30 clock and 08:30 clock a 50-60 year old man with a powerful build, a dark wig (like Horst Schlämmer) and about 180 cm tall, close to the bank have seen at the camp road Aster 122nd The man was wearing a gray parka, faded jeans and black shoes.
The savings bank has lead to the notification to the arrest of the offender, offered a reward of 2500 €.